National ADAPT Applauds Biden Administration for Build Back Better Legislation Framework

National ADAPT applauds the framework for the provisions in the Build Back Better legislation that provides $ 150 billion for home and community-based service and includes $150 billion for affordable housing throughout the United States. We additionally appreciate working with Rep. Maxine Waters and her staff in adding the $2.5 Billion of the $150 billion for 811 funding specifically for the disability community.

The process has just begun for this framework to become law but members of ADAPT are committed to continuing to be the voice for all who have been forced into institutions because of lack of either home and community-based services or affordable housing. It is in this spirit, we look forward to working with the Biden Administration and Congress to pass this legislation and end the institutional bias by providing HCBS and affordable, accessible, integrated housing.

We call on all of our political leaders to support this framework in its entirety and Free Our People!