For years we have told policymakers that Institutions are where we send people to die.
Now we know it is true.
Over 53,000 of our siblings have died in nursing facilities. We don’t even know how many more have died in all other types of institutions, including group homes, and state hospitals.
While our people are dying, Congress is at home on legislative break. Our Senators need to hear from us NOW. They returned to work on July 21st, they will ACT within the next 2 weeks.
ADAPT calls on advocates across the country to call, write, and where safe, visit our Senators in their home offices and in DC to tell them:
FUND HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES NOW. $20 Billion should be dedicated to support people living in the community by making sure programs remain in place, workers are paid for their services, and personal protective equipment is available for disabled people and their workers.
MAKE MONEY FOLLOWS THE PERSON a permanent program, or extend the program for 3-5 years. Short-term funding extensions are not keeping the program running and people need a way to get to the safety of their own homes.
Take action by contacting your Senators and these suggested action activities, sample press release, script, and talking points are also available HERE.
To find the home office locations for your Senators’ Home Offices, enter your address at: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/map
The Senators for your state will be listed, and a link to their official website is available.