First-hand accounts from fifty ADAPT actions over the past 25 years. Read the narratives of people who were at the action, listen to them tell of the experience and see photos from Tom Olin of the action.
On Monday we really hit the pavement by marching to the Rayburn Building on Capitol Hill.
2007 – Washington – Larry Biondi
Chants from our fellow warriors echoed far below, egging us on, declaring: “Our homes, not nursing homes!”
2007 – Chicago – Rahnee Patrick
Who would we “Visit” in order to secure for our brothers and sisters, the same degree of freedom that I myself have long taken for granted?
2006 – Washington – Steve Verriden
Well, there I was riding the lift up and into a Paratransit van as I was being arrested with over 60 of my brothers and sisters for blocking off the street in front of the Tennessee State Capitol.
2006 – Nashville – Randy Alexander
I was a color leader for this action and the orders were clear – be prepared for a loooooooong march.
2005 – Washington – Chris Hildabrandt
I took a deep breath. Was this going to be the time I would find myself dragged off my scooter and hauled off to jail, possibly being hurt in the process?
2005 – Washington – Bunny McLeod
Joining with our brothers and sisters from ADAPT, we came with just one demand – sign a resolution urging Congress to pass MiCASSA and Money Follows the Person legislation.
2004 – Seattle – Jerry Costley
On our 144 Mile Trek from Philadelphia to Washington DC, we faced many obstacles along the way, including Motorcycle cops trying to break off our line.
2004 – Washington – Jimmi Schrode
They were speaking up for over a million Americans in institutions and nursing homes. They were speaking out for people, like they had spoken out for me before I had even heard of ADAPT.
2003 – Washington – Mike McCarty
What do you do if you are the “little guy,” a disabled or older American, getting trampled by corporate greed and possible fiscal mismanagement? If your name is ADAPT, you fight back!
2002 – New Orleans – Babs Johnson