October 6, 2021
Press Advisory For Immediate Release
For information contact:
Lydia Nunez: 832-630-8419
Rhoda Gibson: 617-504-1792
Jennifer McPhail: 512-627-5869
Disability Activists Confront #BuildBackBetter Holdout Senators
Who: National ADAPT
What: Confronting Democratic Senators blocking passage of the Build Back Better social infrastructure bill
Where: Outside Hart Senate Office Building at 120 Constitution Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002, Offices of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin
When: Happening Now, Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Why: To demand Sen. Sinema and Sen. Manchin stop blocking passage of the Build Back Better social infrastructure bill, and support full funding of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), which keeps people out of institutions. HCBS funding also provides living wages for the attendants who provide essential, often intimate care for older and disabled people. ADAPT is also demanding that both senators support funding for affordable, accessible, integrated housing, because you can’t have HCBS without the “H.”
View our Demands here.
NationalADAPT.org @RealNatlADAPT on Twitter & Instagram, ADAPT National on Facebook and TikTok, National ADAPT on YouTube ADAPTnational@gmail.com#DisabledNotDisposable #CareCantWait #BuildBackBetter #HoUSed #ADAPTandSurvive