Photo #2 Lydia from Gulf Coast ADAPT in her wheelchair in a colorful skirt and glasses holding a sign that says Disabled People Have Worth. I have a meaningful life. I am worthy of medical care. I have quality of life. I am ventilator worthy. ADAPT.

ADAPT DEMANDS Congress support our right to live in the community by funding Home and Community Based Services, supporting our Community Workforce, making personal protective equipment available, and ensuring we have affordable, accessible, integrated housing.
ADAPT has sent an Open Letter to Congress demanding action now. We must make sure Congress pays attention and responds to our needs!
- Join in on the Lives Worth Life social media campaign! The campaign is explained in this video by Latoya Chivon. To participate, make and post short videos, photos, and signs explaining why you and/or your loved ones have #LivesWorthyOfLife. Contact Latoya at (267)815-8688 if you have questions or need help. Check out our talking points and more details coming soon on our website including scripts.
- Use the primary hashtags #ADAPTandSurvive #DisabledNotDisposable #LivesWorthyOfLife and secondary hashtags #OurHomesNotNursingHomes #MyLifeIsWorthyOfLife #ADAPTorPerish #Covid19 in your posts regarding COVID-19.
- Contact your legislators regarding our demands for important legislation that will Free Our People and keep them safe like passing Coronavirus Relief for Seniors and People with Disabilities Act of 2020 (S. 3544 and H.R. 6305), making Money Follows the Person permanent, making personal protective equipment available, and ensuring we have affordable, accessible, integrated housing. You can use our sample letter template to contact your members of Congress or our sample Tweets.
- Drive a caravan with cars and vans with signs, noise makers, etc. around like a march. The vehicle march can go past Congressional home offices, media outlets, and other prominent places in your community to bring attention to this issue.
- Contact the media to call a press conference about this campaign. Tell them this campaign is part of coordinated action across multiple states. Invite the media to witness your caravan event. Reach out to for assistance. Check out talking points and sample press materials will be on soon.
- Hold a local action in whatever style most suits you. Be loud, be proud, and be safe.
Let local and national media know what you are doing.
Please share your postings, pictures and stories about how you and your group are sending the message that the disability community will #ADAPTandSurvive are #DisabledNotDisposable have #LivesWorthyOfLife and#ADAPTorPerish in the time of #Covid19. National ADAPT will be using posts and submissions for social media and publications.
#DisabledNotDisposable #ADAPTandSurvive #LivesWorthyOfLife @RealNatlADAPT on Twitter & Instagram, ADAPT National on Facebook and TikTok, National ADAPT on YouTube