Contact Name Chris Murphy
Contact Phone (507)340-3889
Number Address for the Event: Outside U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
National ADAPT Confronts Republican Party’s Proposed Cuts to Medicaid and Housing
WHAT: National ADAPT Protests Republican’s proposed Cuts to Medicaid and Housing
WHO: The disability activist organization, National ADAPT
WHEN: Happening NOW
WHERE: Outside U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
[full name and title]
WHY: The Republicans proposed cuts to Medicaid and Housing will affect the lives of millions of people with disabilities around the country. Currently it is very difficult for people with disabilities to be able to obtain home and community-based services. Cuts to Medicaid will make it impossible for people to remain in the community and will be forced into unwanted more costly institutionalization. National ADAPT DEMANS that Mitch McConell, Kevin McCarthy, and others in the Republican party STOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH OUT LIVES.
HOW: For interviews or additional information please contact:
Chris Murphy, (507)340-3889
Brandon Heinrich, (631)834-7598
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