5/10/22 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: National ADAPT Demands that American Health Care Association (AHCA) prioritizes Olmstead

Who:  National ADAPT
What:  Demonstration to demand that AHCA prioritizes Olmstead
When: Tuesday, May 10th starting at 1PM
Where:  AHCA, 1201 L Street N.W., Washington D.C., 20005

For more information: 
Nina Bakoyiannis   646-709-2510   ninabakoyiannis@lhalvorson
Misty Dion   570-367-6269   misty.m.dion@gmail.com   
Washington, D.C.-  National ADAPT, the nation’s largest grassroots disability rights activist organization, urges ACHA to hold themselves accountable for their role in promoting the institutional bias by being the largest lobbying organization for nursing homes and other institutions. As oppose to congregate settings, home and community based services enable people with disabilities to live in their own homes instead of an institution, which is exponentially more expensive for a lesser quality of care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

National ADAPT demands that AHCA: 
Publicly supports funding for Home and Community Based Services to ensure that people with disabilities have true choice to live in the community. Without equitable funding, there is no true choice.

 Create more appropriate regulations for members of ACHA to ensure that they are not exploiting their residents. They must use their resources in the best interests of the residents, not for financial gain.

Acknowledge that nursing homes and other congregate settings are deadly. We see this most profoundly in the fact that 23% of all Covid-19 deaths have occurred in long-term care facilities, which translates to 201,000 individuals. If home and community based services had been prioritized, this would not have occurred.

Truly adhere to Olmstead. They must make sure that their residents who want to leave the facility have the opportunity to do so with the necessary support. In order to do this, you must allow the transition specialists/CILs to have access to their residents. 

Establish an ongoing communication with ADAPT. We request an initial meeting with CEO Mark Parkinson 

Danny Saenz, activist from ADAPT of Texas, speaks of the loss of freedom when experiencing institutionalization. He says, “When you’re in a nursing home they tell when or if you get a shower.  You ask for permission if you want to go out. And have to be back by a certain time.”
We must end the institutional bias that keeps people with disabilities at a disadvantage from accessing community services. It is time for ACHA to acknowledge the harm that they perpetuate by advocating for the entitlement for nursing homes.
About ADAPTADAPT is a national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom.