National ADAPT joins grandmas across the country who have gathered in Washington, D.C. to turn up the pressure on the Senate to swiftly pass this legislation that will transform the way people with disabilities and the elderly access care now and in future generations. Elected leaders, direct care workers, family caregivers and people with disabilities will meet in front of the Capitol to share our decades of fighting for home and community based services and affordable, accessible, integrated housing , and demand that Congress take action in support of this once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, the elderly, and direct care workers.
Grandmas, elected leaders, care workers, disability rights activists and other caregiving advocates rally outside the Capitol to push the Senate to swiftly pass the Build Back Better Bill. The event will be livestreamed and grandmas across the country will participate virtually by sharing photo and video stories on social media. Spanish and American Sign Language interpretation available on site and online.
National ADAPT with support from the Long Term Supports and Services Coalition, Caring Across Generations, Care Can’t Wait Coalition, and Real Recovery Now coalitions.
When and Where:
Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 12:00 pm ET
In-person event: Outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Virtual event:
For more information:
Jennifer McPhail 512-627-5869
Rhoda Gibson 617-504-1792 @RealNatlADAPT on Twitter & Instagram, ADAPT National on Facebook, National ADAPT on YouTube
#DisabledNotDisposable #CareCantWait #BetterCareBetterJobs #HoUSed #ADAPTandSurvive #TheGrandmasAreComing